6.2. Running lcdproc

You will probably more often run lcdproc from the command line than you will run LCDd.

6.2.1. The Command Line Options of lcdproc

Running lcdproc -h gives you an overview of the currently available command line options.

Example 6-2. lcdproc -h


LCDproc, 0.4.3dev
Usage: lcdproc [-s server] [-p port] [modelist]
	Options in []'s are optional.
	modelist is "mode [mode mode ...]"
	Mode letters: 	[C]pu [G]raph [T]ime [M]emory [X]load [D]isk [B]attery
			proc_[S]izes [O]ld_time big_cloc[K] [U]ptime CPU_SM[P]

	Use "man lcdproc" for more info.
	lcdproc -s my.lcdproc.server.com C M X -p 13666


You will not be able to connect to a remote server, unless it listens to the correct interface and port! See LCDd.conf: The [server] Section for details on the server setup.