Possibly you will find a bug in the LCDproc distribution. Before reporting this to the mailing list, please respect the following:
Your system should be more or less up to date. This does not mean that you have to update from GNU/Linux kernel 2.0.x to 2.2.x or from 2.2.x to 2.4.x. But we would like to make sure that your problem is not related to a known bug in the kernel or maybe your compiler.
Especially LCDd might need certain privileges to execute a command. Make sure LCDd HAS the rights to do so.
When experiencing problems with LCDd, make sure that your hardware is OK. E.g. you should make sure that the wiring for your (in this case most likely parallel) device is correct.
Make sure that you use the correct speed settings for your device. Incorrect speed settings (baud rate) are most likely to produce garbage scrolling on your display. Refer to the specifications of your device. If your device needs a speed setting that is not supported by LCDd send a message to the list.
Make sure that you have modified the configuration file according to your needs and that LCDd actually uses the configuration file. I.e. you might have to run LCDd with the -c option
Anyways, no question is too stupid to ask ;) Feel free to ask whatever you want. Unfortunately replying to mails takes time as well (a damn lot of time). So, if you want LCDproc to develop faster, please try to solve a problem yourself first.
BUT if you have actually FOUND A BUG we will be quite happy if you let us know. We NEED YOU as testers and appreciate any feedback.